Are Three Days of Darkness Coming?

There are many prophecies concerning the end of this age in the Bible and we can believe in them if God, Jesus, or our Lord’s prophets stated them. But there are also several prophecies that some Christians believe, but are not divinely inspired. So, where does the ‘Three Days of Darkness Prophecy’ event fit into …

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Imminent: Secrets to be Revealed – What Should a Christian Believe?

This world has many evil leaders representing all aspects of government and industry. And for a long time, most of these leaders have been devising greedy and deceiving schemes and incorporating dark secrets designed to obtain control of important assets as well as people. These leaders wish not to help anyone, but only to enrich …

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If Jesus died for our sins, explain how that works!

Once, when discussing the possibility of eternal life, someone asked me, “If Jesus died for our sins, how does that work? It’s illogical; it doesn’t make any sense. Everyone dies sooner or later, so how do you explain the mechanics; how can one man’s death save billions of others that have already died or will …

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When someone wrongs us, must we always forgive them?

Someone recently told me that they were having trouble forgiving a family member who said some hurtful things. She felt guilty because she just couldn’t forgive them, but others were pressuring her to forgive and forget. I asked her if the offender had apologized or repented for their actions. She said, “No! I wouldn’t feel …

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End Times: the Bible says we’ll see these things happen soon

One time, after a brief discussion about the Book of Revelation, a new Christian convert asked me why the ‘End Times’ were only discussed in New Testament scripture. Over a couple of cups of coffee, I explained that a previous catastrophic ending of human civilization is documented in the Old Testament, and a prediction of …

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Repent and Put on the Armor of God to Avoid Evil Influences

A previous article on this website, “The Narrow & Wide Gates in Matthew 7″,1 explains how taking the path less traveled in this life will help us develop the spirit-filled existence necessary for entrance into God’s new Millennial Kingdom. That new age ruled by Jesus Christ is quickly approaching, so near in fact, that some …

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The Narrow & Wide Gates in Matthew 7

All major cities in Jesus’ day had large walls surrounding them, the purpose being for privacy, defense, and protection from outsiders. Many had watchtowers or walkways on top to scout for problems, and maybe a surrounding ditch or moat at ground level, but all utilized gates to filter who passed through the walls — basically …

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Is it Proper to call Jesus Christ our Brother?

The words ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ are used throughout the Bible in many ways: a fellow human; a blood relation; a colleague; a disciple or follower; someone of the same faith.1 While all these descriptions are relevant for our study, it is the last two mentioned that are specifically acknowledged if we label ourselves as brothers …

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The Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation

Although there is some minor disagreement, tradition and research attribute the apostle John with writing the Book of Revelation. Evidence for John as the author includes: (1) the writer references himself as John, (2) he had personal relationships with the seven churches spoken of, (3) his circumstances (time and location) match those of John the …

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The Marriage of the Lamb – Revelation 19

The Book of Revelation, also known as The Revelation of Jesus Christ to John or the Book of the Apocalypse, is basically a letter which discloses important information for John the Apostle to communicate to our Lord’s servants in various churches in the old Roman empire of Asia. It prophesies what must take place in …

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